3 Quotes & Sayings By Dan Wilbur

Dan Wilbur is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the bestselling book After the Fall: The First Year: How to Get Your Life Back on Track and He's Not That Into You: The 3 Big Mistakes Men Make When Messing Up Their Love Life. Dan has also written books for men including the New York Times Bestselling Guide to Online Dating, The Online Dating Bible - Stop Playing Hard to Get, and his latest book, The Online Dating Bible - Get His Attention. He is an award-winning writer, public speaker, and relationship expert who has been featured in GQ, Maxim Magazine, Fast Company, Men's Health, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Newsweek, Elle UK and more. He teaches entrepreneurship at Columbia Business School and is a contributor to Forbes.com.

Few people actually read. Instead, everyone likes pretending they read. If we spent as much time reading as we say we do, we'd be grossly overweight and depressed. Dan Wilbur
Another case for the dumbness of reading, however, is that books do not contain answers, but rather pose more questions. And asking questions makes you look dumber, not sma Dan Wilbur